Online Petition
Help us by signing your name! With enough online signatures, we can show the state legislature and the Wisconsin DNR just how important it is to protect these rare animals.
Petition Comments
We changed petition providers in March and added a new box for comments. Here are some of those comments:
- These deer are a Wisconsin treasure and we should feel privileged that they have made their home here. Killing them would be no different than killing a bald eagle. Because there are so few, I have to wonder why they are not on an endangered species list. (Jan. 7, 2015–Beth–Verona, WI)
- These animals are absolutely breath taking to see……..please protect them before they are gone! (Nov. 28–Vicki–Richland Center, WI)
- I am from Seneca county where the white deer are located. Nys also needs a law outlawing the hunting of white deer. I am starting to work on that. I will have a petition online soon. (Nov. 27–Bob–Seneca Falls, NY)
- I grew up with white deer in upstate ny, they are so beautiful (this herd, the largest of white deer) are located in Romulus ny on what use to be the Seneca army depot (senecawhitedeer.org) these deer are not albino deer, just a rare form of white deer….please save the white deer in Romulus and everywhere in the US, it don’t get any prettier…. (Nov. 26–Penny–Fredericksburg, VA)
- Totally believe in protecting white deer, even in CWD areas.. Also believe (they) should have tougher fines, penalties for shooting a white deer. Why do people think something rare needs to be killed? You have my vote for more protections for white deer so we all can have a chance to see and enjoy their beauty. (Nov. 18–Sherri–Lakeville, MN)
- Protect the Ghost Deer for the next 7 Generations to come… (Nov. 14–Rebecca–Healdsburg, CA)
- My friends and I are avid hunters. I want to protect these rare animals. They are rare for a reason. They have a disadvantage at life so we need to keep them protected. (Nov. 13–Josh–DeForest, WI)
- Urgent protection is needed! (November 10–Chris–Sandton, South Africa)
- I’ve only seen one in (my) life. When I saw it, it took my breath away! How can you kill something that leaves you frozen in complete awe, of it’s unique beauty? (Nov. 9–Shelah–Baraboo, WI)
- These are rare and sacred animals – please protect! (Nov. 9–Rikka–Helsinki, Finland)
- We have white deer on our land as well and we love to see them in the fields near us. They look “ghost like”. We plan to pick up some signs in Plain to display in our front yard. (Nov. 9–Don and Diane–Loganville, WI)
- Wisconsin, ENOUGH!!! Stop wiping out our wildlife!!! (Oct. 26–Sandra–Northport, NY)
- I wish that TEXAS had white deers. They may, but I’ve never seen one. I would protect them from hunters that are not hungry, but just want to kill. (Oct. 26–Betty–Houston, TX)
- All states in the U.S. and other places they (white deer) live should be protecting these rare, beautiful white deer and pass laws to keep them from being killed. A creature so rare to behold should be protected so that anyone can have the gift of seeing one alive and in its own environment. The recent killing by the 11-year old who intends to have a “full mount” of the deer done is not the answer. This beautiful buck will collect dust somewhere, whether it be in his home, a retail environment or museum. It should have been allowed to live so it could procreate. Do the rignt thing people – let them live. (Oct. 24–Mary–Topeka, KS)
- Just cannot understand why anyone would want to kill such a beautiful and rare animal? (Oct. 22–Debbie–Cumbria, UK)
- I believe these animals should be protected.. They are sacred to the Native Americans, and it is our responsibility to protect something that cannot protect itself against man and his desire for trophies… (Oct. 22–Tabitha–Mobile, AL)
- Have the tribal populations been consulted on this issue? If people can’t agree on trophy killing issues, can we agree on respecting the wishes of the native people? Maybe together we can stop this disgraceful practice. (Oct. 20–Crystal–Mt. Pleasant, MI)
- These deer need to be protected and hopefully Albany will list the Depot as a protected area, not a slaughter area to be hunted to death. This is a one time deal (referring to protecting the white deer at a Seneca, New York army depot). Help from all who get to read this. Dennis Money is doing his best, send funds to him in Canandaigua NY 14424. (Oct. 20–Muriel–Victor, NY)
- Life is the most important thing on this planet. If we destroy all the animals on this planet, then you are ultimately destroying man. It is important that we show our children to respect animals and people. Everything has a purpose in life. (Oct. 10–Panteletsa–Athens, Greece)
- I am an avid hunter, but I would never take a white deer legal or not! Lets all work together to save these special and rare animals. (Sept. 24–Gerald–Wind Lake, WI)
- I am an advocate to save these rare and magnificent creatures in order to help protect them for future generations to enjoy. Please include my name in the online petition. (Sept. 24–Brenda–Waukesha, WI)
- With all the deer available to hunters, why do they need to kill the white deer…it’s just for the trophy!!!! (Sept. 20–Carrie–Wisconsin Dells, WI)
- It is unbelievable to me why some … “people” just have to kill every living thing to hang on a wall. To include a beautiful rare species like the white deer is unconscionable. Please protect the white deer! They should only be shot with a camera and I daresay that there are MANY more people that would rather take a picture of this beautiful creature than there are (people) that would like to have a lifeless head hanging on their wall. (September 4–Becky–Chugiak, AK)
- These beautiful deer should be protected from those who would take them from areas where they are an economic draw. (August 24–Elizabeth–Verona, WI)
- The white deer are beautiful and carry the message of hope and peace. I have spent 40 years visiting and finally living on family property in Vilas and Oneida counties. Seeing the white deer are treasured memories shared with all others who have had the privilege of encountering them. To allow such a beautiful and sacred symbol to be hunted is unnecessary and wasteful. When people hear that there has been a sighting of white deer they flock to the area in hopes of glimpsing these rare animals, as well as spending money and time while on their pilgrimages. Allow them to flourish, tell their story and they will be one more thing (that is) a very special experience in the northern woods. (July 22–Holly–Loveland, OH)
- The white deer are beautiful and rare, why kill something so beautiful and rare. The white deer are known to be (a) spiritual symbol. Keep these white deer safe. (June 16–Ashley–Niles, OH)
- We have to keep them safe. (May 26–Gladys–Green Bay)
- For many other species, a white form of that species is considered sacred by many tribes and most people. I think this puts it best: “The argument for hunting them comes down to this: do rarity and beauty enhance the value, and therefore justify the protection, of white/albino deer, or not? For me, rarity and beauty, not to mention the economic benefit to the area, are the trump cards, and thus I would vote no to the hunt.” (John Bates; co-author of “White Deer: Ghosts of the Forest,” columnist, and naturalist) The Wisconsin White Deer are in many cases not albino, but a pure form of white coloring, with normal eye and nose color. Therefore, in any case these animals are truly RARE and need to be protected! (May 20–Lori–Atlanta, GA)
- Save this rare and beautiful animal. (May 18–Nancy–Saint Charles, MO)
- White animals have a hard enough time avoiding predators, don’t need mankind to make staying alive even more difficult for them. Real hunters need to have a bigger challenge than a big white animals that sticks out like a sore thumb!! (May 15–Janice–Avoca, WI)
- They have been seen on my property here in Hillpoint, WI. These animals must be protected. (May 12–Jeff–Hillpoint, WI)
- This is insanity! Why would a DNR Board member want to wipe out and exterminate the last of our albino deer? Are they hunting him? IN his way? What purpose does this serve? These deer are tourist attractions, they are beautiful, elusive creatures who do NO harm to anyone. (May 8–Linda–Green Bay, WI)
- These deer are beautiful and rare. Unique animals like this should be protected. (April 22–Rabecca–Wisconsin Dells)
- As an animal rights advocate, I am distressed that no animal is sacred in this state and around the world from so-called hunters. I was born and grew up in the northern Chicago suburbs, and my father’s passion was riding bicycles. Since I was never exposed to blood sports, I am astonished that it’s all about killing an innocent animal for bragging rights. The white deer must be protected and left for others for the joy and spiritual connection of the wild. Keep up the good work, and I will be more than happy to sign the petition. Keep up the good work!!! (Apr. 17–Jean–Prairie du Sac, WI)
- The white deer are sacred to the Native Americans. We don’t shoot Eagles cuz they are sacred to us, let us show the same respect to the true Americans. (April 5–Colleen–Madison, WI)
- The white deer are beautiful and rare, less than 100 in Wisconsin. It has much greater value alive as it attracts many tourists to Boulder Junction and many people feel white deer have almost a spiritual value. If hunting is allowed the white deer will quickly be annihilated so it will be a very short hunting season. For over 70 years white deer have been protected. Why must we kill all things rare and beautiful? (April 3–Sue–Presque Isle, WI)
- White and albino deer are a valuable asset to both county and state. It would be a big mistake to lift the current protection. (April 3–Tom–Alma, WI)
- In these times of hopelessness the white deer gives us hope. Hope that not everything that is beautiful, and innocent will be destroyed because of ignorance, and greed. I’m tired of the constant disrespect for nature. (March 31–Robin–Howell, MI)
- These animals are sacred to History and Crown and Church. Named Whitehart has stood since the Celts and feared for there good luck, if harm came to these beasts. Under the name of the Hollyrod Blessed King James Harm thee not the Kings Deer. (March 31–John–Mackay, Australia)
- Each year, my family spends thousands of tourism dollars while seeking out and photographing white and albino deer. We generally head to Northern Wisconsin twice in the summer and to the Sauk-Prairie area many times throughout the year.Even my restaurant business in Madison, WI generates tourism income from people in transit to catch a glimpse of these animals. The albino deer population has been cut by approximately in Vilas County alone via poaching and car accidents. Verification of this may be done by contacting Mike and Marshia Crowley in Boulder Junction who closely monitor the local herd there which is down to just two females as of 2014. They can be reached at mmcrowley@centurytel.net or by calling 715-358-0244. There are plenty of brown deer for hunters to harvest, but only a very small gene pool of white and albino deer. I would also like to respect the Native & American Indian peoples of Wisconsin who hold these animals as sacred. Please seriously consider all the benefits of long-term preservation of these rare animals as opposed to any perceived benefit (which would be very short-term, as the white/ albino populations would be quickly decimated) from allowing them to be killed. Though I am not a frequent hunter, I do purchase the annual Wisconsin Patron’s License with every extra option as a way of ensuring better conservation of Wisconsin’s Natural Resources. Without there being an overall strong commitment to our state’s environment by the DNR, I would surely have to the western states long ago.Thank you for your consideration. (March 31–Bregan–Madison)
- ALL animals need protection from humans, and especially these rare ones. (March 31–Mary Elizabeth–Voluntown, CT)
- As a sometimes resident of Wisconsin, PLEASE consider the protection of these rare animals. (Mar. 27–Larry–Sante Fe, NM)
- Please make the protection of the white deer and albino deer permanent! These (deer) are already on the brink of extinction, and we owe it to future generations to protect such rare and beautiful creatures that Wisconsinites and tourists enjoy having the chance to see! Thank you. (March 25–John–Fountain City, WI)
- This (the killing of white deer) is so embarrassing!! Weak and backward. (Mar. 19–Robin–Redondo Beach, FL)
- It is insanity to completely eradicate such a beautiful rare (deer). (Mar. 19–Joe–Whitehall, MI)
- We are nothing without compassion. Set a precedent. “Cease being intimidated by the argument that a right action is impossible because it does not yield maximum profits, or that a wrong action is to be condoned because it pays.”― Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac (March 18–Janis–Santa Rosa Beach, FL)
- Every effort should be made to preserve these rare and beautiful creatures. So many people, including me, can only hope to catch a glimpse of one in this lifetime. Please take the appropriate measures to protect them so that this might be possible. (March 17–Smitha–Los Angeles, CA)
- I saw a white deer and was awe struck by its beauty. Let them live! (March 17–Eileen–Flemington, NJ)
- No animal appears in nature by accident. Indigenous cultures throughout the world see the appearance of white animals as sacred messengers, and in destroying them we are doing humanity a great disservice. Whether one agrees with these beliefs or not, they are beautiful animals, valuable in their own right, and should be treated with respect. The Kermode, “Spirit” Bear of British Columbia has been granted protection as a subspecies of the Black Bear according to indigenous significance, and the White Lions of Timbavati, South Africa are also working towards a similar vision. These White Deer are no different and also deserve to be protected. (March 17–Catherine–Mission, British Columbia, Canada)
- If this type of animal has the genetic strength to survive, who are we to decide it is not worthy to live? Please spare the lives of these beautiful creatures. (March 16–Patricia–Cheshire, CT)
- There are plenty of the regular deer to hunt down and, sadly, kill. Please leave these rare white treasures alone, and do not allow them to be hunted down and killed. (March 16–Renee–Eau Claire, WI)
- Please, Wisconsin – do the right thing and protect these incredible animals!!! (March 16–Pamela–Indian Rocks Beach, FL)
- Would love to come visit and spend some tourist dollars viewing the white deer. It’s hard to believe that they aren’t protected. (March 16–Billita–Carpentersville, IL)
- I was shocked to hear that Gregory Kazmierski was suggesting that you legalise the harvesting of albino deer. Certainly these rare and beautiful creatures are a tourist draw. I suspect that they could be much more valuable alive rather than dead. I urge you to keep this treasure safe and reject any proposal which would make it legal to hunt or even injure any of these ghosts of the forest. (March 16–Mary–Verdun, Quebec, Canada)
- I cannot believe you are killing the beautiful white deer. They harm no one and deserve to live just like you folks in Wisconsin do. If this continues all of our wildlife will be (extinct) and someday our grandchildren will look upon this generation as ignorant … Please do not let any more murders continue there. (March 16–Mary–Grand Haven, MI)
- Any state that would slaughter that which makes one’s state a destination of interest won’t be a destination of interest much longer. (March 16–Donna–Tucson, AZ)